About Laura Nasi, MD

Dr Laura Nasi is an integrative oncologist, writer and public figure promoter of the new paradigm in medicine.  Author  of Cancer as a Wake-Up Call (North Atlantic Books, 2018), El cáncer como camino de sanación (Paidós, 2017), and Cáncer y PsicoNeuroInmunología (Nativa (2017). Currently, she offers private consultations in Integrative Oncology as well as group workshops employing, in addition to clinical oncology and PNI (Psycho-Neuro-Immunology) knowledge, Mind-Body Medicine techniques and Astrology. She is a faculty member at several South American Universities where she teaches on PNI and oncology: Universidad Católica Argentina, the Universidad de Belgrano, Universidad Favaloro (Argentina) and the Universidad Católica de Montevideo (Uruguay). She graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She specialized in Internal Medicine at Temple University Hospital and Clinical Oncology at the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. She was the Clinical Research Coordinator for the International Breast Cancer Study Group in Bern, Switzerland, and subsequently was the Research Director for Swiss pharmaceutical company Debiopharm. She made a turnaround in her career, broadening her vision toward a more humanized medicine. She specialized in Mind-Body Medicine at the Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard University, Boston (www.bensonhenryinstitute.org) and in psycho-socio-spiritual interventions for cancer patients at the Simonton Cancer Center in California (www.simontoncenter.com). She was Founder and President of ASOI (Asociación de Oncología Integrativa), a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of an integrative vision for cancer patients, their families and the healthcare team. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of FeelsGood (www.feelsgood.care). Her vision of medicine for a person as a multidimensional being led her to investigate subjects such as life and death, science and spirit, and conscious life.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!