María Laura Nasi is a medical doctor, specialized in Internal Medicine and Clinical Oncology at the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
After excelling in oncology research and leading international projects, she shifted her career toward a more human-centered approach.
Currently, she practices Integrative Oncology in private consultations, blending clinical knowledge, mind-body medicine, and astrology, while teaching Psycho-Neuro-Immunology at universities.
She is the author of several books exploring cancer, healing, and consciousness, promoting a holistic vision that integrates science, spirituality, and mindful living.
My Path, Step by Step
Retreat in the Swiss Alps for people with cancer "Pour Vivre Pleinement"
On-site & Online 12 week LIFESTYLE workshop for cancer patients and relatives
Podcast with advice on Conscious Living.
Live Meetings: interviews with professionals to talk about Integrative Oncology and new perspectives on health and medicine
Founder and President Integrative Oncology Committee at AAOC (Argentinian Association Clinical Oncology)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Argentina for LATAM
Founder and Director of Casa de Salud, an integrative trans-disciplinary oncology private practice.
On-site & Online 12 week LIFESTYLE workshop for cancer patients and relatives
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Publication of CAWC by NAB (North Atlantic Books) Berkeley, California
Book Tour in US main Oncology Centers
Meditations EN/SPA for patients.
Recording of Meditations with live music by Lucas Cervetti ( https://lucascervetti.com )
Founder of Online Free Seminar on Integrative Oncology for professionals
“Integrando Visiones en Oncología”
Sponsored by AAOC (Asociación Argentina Oncología Clínica).
Publication of "El cáncer como Camino de Sanación" by PAIDOS, Argentina
Publication of "Cáncer y Psico-neuro-inmunología" by NATIVA, Argentina
Member of core founding team of Fundación Columbia, center for the studies of Consciousness and Energy
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Scientific and Executive Organizing Committee of 2nd International
Integrative Oncology Conference.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Scientific and Executive Organizing Committee of 1st International
Integrative Oncology Conference.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Clinical Training in Mind Body Medicine.
Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine.
Harvard Medical School.
Boston, MA USA
President and VP Founder of ASOI: Asociación de Oncología Integrativa
Buenos Aires, Argentina
MindBody Medicine. Founding member of Integrative Medicine Service, Fundaleu.
Bs. As., Argentina
Consultant, International Oncology Program
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York
New York, USA
Mind-Body workshop, facilitated by Dr Carl Simonton
Simonton Cancer
Santa Barbara, California
IBCSG Studies Coordinator
Manage and coordinate a group of over 20 Medical Reviewers, Auditors, Project
Managers and Trial Coordinators.
Berne, CH
Medical Oncology/Clinical Research
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York USA
Internal Medicine Residency Program
Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Internal Medicine Residency Program
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo USA
Graduated with High Honors
University of Buenos Aires, School of Medicine, Buenos Aires Argentina